Hi! I’m Megan and I’m so excited you are here! As you can see this is my first post. I want to introduce myself and tell you more about me. I am 32 and a stay at home mom of 2 boys and 1 girl, Knox 8, Kash 6, and Kollins *Kolly* 3. I’ve been married for almost 10 years and my husband is a farmer! We farm in Ohio and my husband is a 6th generation farmer. We farm only corn and soy beans. We also own a tile drainage business and a stump removal business. I am so busy in life with raising my babies and helping my husband, that my time is limited for myself. That is why I created this blog! I wanted something that I could pour into that was for me and not me doing it for someone else. I really hope that you can enjoy this little thing with me and be by my side as I go through this crazy life! So much love, Meg.