
Simplifying life and finding the best deals

About Me

Hi, I’m Megan! I’m a SAHM of 3. I have Knox who’s is 8, Kash who is 6, and Kollins *Kolly* who is 3. My husband, Dave, and I have been married for almost 10 years. Dave is a 6th generation farmer, and we live in Ohio. We farm only corn and soy beans and wheat. I often get asked if we also farm any cattle or any other live stock and the answer is no. We only have barn cats and chickens on our farmstead, who I love so much. We also have a tile drainage business, and a stump removal business. We are always busy! I love being a SAHM and helping my husband whenever needed. I also love amazon, good deals, my dog, being a homebody (besides traveling, which is in my top favorites) my sourdough starter, and being a buckeye. I hope you will feel right at home here 🙂